About Petrovac - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Petrovac recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Petrovac, Budva
The history of Petrovac began in the Roman era, when several villas were built. Later, there was a Slavic village. The village was first mentioned in the Chronicle of the priest in Duklja. At the northern end of the bay is a 16th-century Venetian fortress, Kastel Lastva, built to discourage pirates. The name, Petrovac, was given at the beginning of the 20th century after King Peter I Karađorđević.
Between the two world wars, Petrovac was famous as a popular destination for wealthy tourists from the former Yugoslavia. Petrovac is today a popular summer resort, with its visitors coming mainly from Montenegro, Serbia and Russia. Tourism has expanded greatly in recent years. The main attraction of the resort is its beach. There is a nightclub in the old castle.
There is ready access to the nearby beaches of Lučice and Buljarica.
Petrovac | Petrovac is located on the coast between Budva and Bar, where the old mountain road from Podgorica reaches the coast. It has a 600 m long sandy beach and it is a popular tourist destination. Petrovac is seen as a somewhat "calmer" resort, in contrast to
the lively and developed nearby towns of Budva and Sutomore
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