Bus Montenegro 2024
Filters: Transport: autocar× (1 offers, 397.3EUR - 397.3EUR)

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Circuit 6 Zile Croatia - Albania, Budva

Circuit 6 Zile Croatia - Albania

Budva, Budva, Montenegro

    • Bus (06/19 - 09/26/2024)
      Departures in date: 09/21

    About Montenegro


    Montenegro is one of the Adriatic tourist destinations becoming more popular, but few think to opt for a holiday here. Montenegro has a lot to offer, in general is known for its seaside tourism offers relief but allows them to spend a great holiday all year round, summer and winter beach to snow in the mountains of Durmitor, a foray into one of the largest river canyon country or simply visiting Montenegrin cities with great historical and cultural load. Beyond the natural beauty, tourists who would like to reserve a perfect holiday at low prices in Montenegro will find the ideal destination for an unforgettable stay. Montenegro is a small country and can quite easily be crossed by car, by the way is the most convenient means of transport to get here, races not having a direct flight.

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    18.02.2015 Muntenegru

    Nefiind o destinație îndepărtată de România, transportul spre Muntenegru se poate face cu ușurință cu mașina proprie, având astfel ocazia de a vă bucura de peisaje unice în lume. Înainte de orice criteriu de selecție pentru vacanța, Muntenegru oferă principalul avantaj de a-i împăca depotrivă pe iubitorii de munte și de mare, astfel că eternele dezbateri în cuplu sau în grupul de prieteni excursioniști nu-și mai au brusc locul, odată ales ca destinație de vacanță.