About Budva - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Budva recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (11 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Budva, Budva
Budva is the capital of Montenegrin tourism resort with an impressive historical past and a rich historical tradition. City theaters, festivals and tourist stays is full of Oleander, palm, olive and fig trees and nearby mountains and pine forests healthy send their perfume over the resort.
Hot Water, a clarity of crystal, gold sand, shore and mountains in the distance laced, will ensure a pleasant feeling, unmatched and that will always remain among the most wonderful memories. The territory of Budva town (122 km) occupies the central part of the coast of Montenegro.
Coastal zone is characterized by picturesque scenery of bays in Budva - Becici waves along the beaches of the bays, there are numerous caves with Mediterranean vegetation. Budva town climate is Mediterranean, the sea is calm, clear and blue color and bathing season may last six or seven months.
Budva | Budva is the capital of Montenegrin tourism resort with an impressive historical past and a rich historical tradition. City theaters, festivals and tourist stays is full of Oleander, palm, olive and fig trees and nearby mountains and pine forests healthy
send their perfume over the resort
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